Sheryl McKelvey

The Charlotte John Company
5813 Kavanaugh Blvd
Little Rock, AR 72207

The Charlotte John Company
5813 Kavanaugh Blvd
Little Rock, AR 72207

Sheryl McKelvey

I'd Love To Hear From You!

Sometimes the first step is the scariest. Don't worry, simply call or email me and I'll be sure to help you through the rest. Looking forward to hearing from you.  

501-352-7696  (call or text)

501-664-5646 (office)

5813 Kavanaugh Blvd
Little Rock, AR 72207

Book Your Free Consultation

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Tell them why they should meet with you now, even if they aren't ready to buy or sell right.  Most people think they shouldn't engage with an agent until they are ready to take action.  We want to start a relationship well before that.

Book a free consultation with me using my calendar link below.  

Another opt-in can go here!

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